The property check
Financial and tax property analysis
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Property can significantly reduce the tax burden as a capital investment and is therefore a sought-after vehicle for investment and yield. You should get good advice when you purchase, however. An unprofitable property can have a lasting impact on your business performance and also pose a significant burden to subsequent generations. We will examine your property offers from a tax perspective and support you to find a decision expertly and reliably.
The following sample diagram shows what can happen if the time of the debt reduction and the pension start date required do not match. In this example, you would have to pay in around 4,000 euro per annum after the retirement start date.
You would only get the property-based pension in the fifth pension year. This is only one of many points that is highlighted by a targeted analysis and can be prevented by taking countermeasures early on.
Additional services
If you like, we can lend you additional support by monitoring deadlines that affect your property. For example, you no longer have to worry about obtaining quotations for subsequent finance when the fixed interest rate of a loan expires. Above and beyond specific questions about property, we can also examine if an investment in the property assets makes sense structurally in the current overall situation. You will see that the analysis of your property is a worthwhile investment.
Speak to us and arrange for a personal appointment for a “property check”.
Was es beim Kauf zu beachten gilt
- Immobilien können die Liquidität belasten
- Laufende Nebenkosten prüfen
- Eigenkapital sollte vorhanden sein
- Angebot und Nachfrage bestimmen den Preis
- Unabhängiges Gutachten einholen
- Darlehensvereinbarungen steuerlich planen
- Steueroptimierte Gestaltung der Vermietung
- Denkmalschutzabschreibungen sind steuerlich interessant
- Steuervorteile sind von Ihrer individuellen Situation abhängig – hierzu beraten wir Sie gern.
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