Digital records processing


Service hotline

You experience the ease of modern accounting with us and use our offer for digital record keeping. We replace your pendulum folder with a digital filing system that enables you to have immediate access to your current bank and cashbook sales “at the touch of a button”.   

Your benefits

  • We can be contacted at any time on a shared Internet platform
  • You have ready access to your documents and accounts information
  • You retain your original documents
  • Your accounts can be produced more efficiently for the long term
  • Your booking records are given a direct link to their digital document
  • You save processing costs and time
  • Payment functions, reminder process and also payroll process can be executed online
  • Your outgoing invoices can be transferred to us directly using a digital record transfer
  • You are best prepared for company audits

Digital accounting

Entdecken Sie jetzt die Vorteile der digitalen Buchhaltung.